With over ten hours of burn time, our 100% pure beeswax, Canadian-made votive candles are perfect for every-day relaxation!
Our non-toxic, non-allergenic Beeswax Votives are designed to enhance the little moments of relaxation throughout your day, like soaking in the tub, a romantic meal at home, or a summer evening on the patio.
You won’t need to clean up after this mess-free candle. Unlike paraffin, soy, and veggie wax, our all-natural beeswax votives will not drip wax.
So, relax as you enjoy the sweet, non-allergenic fragrance of these 100% Canadian beeswax candles!
Each candle is 2 inches high and tapered from 1.5 inches at the base to 2 inches in diameter at the top.
Dutchman's Gold Votive Beeswax Candles
100% Beeswax
Cotton wick